Del Valle Lake is located in Del Valle Regional Park near Livermore. This park offers year round camping, fishing and day use.
The lake has 1000 surface acres of water and 16 miles of shoreline.
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Lake Del Valle Fishing Report
Del Valle provides a varied and exciting fishery. Trout, largemouth and smallmouth bass, catfish, bluegill and striped bass all provide good action at various times during the year.
Dell Valle attracts large crowds in the summer, but September through May provides plenty of quiet time for fishing, hiking and boating.
Facilities include developed campsites, snack bars, day use areas, complete bait and tackle sales, boat rentals and a 4-lane boat launching ramp.
Swimming is allowed, and a 10 mph speed limit is enforced on the lake.
A tour boat operates in the summer as well as scheduled naturalists programs.
See also, Del Valle Fishing Tips