There are seven hydroelectric dams along a stretch of the Pit River from below Fall River Mills to about 30 miles upstream. Despite this, there is also a natural rainbow trout fishery of 12 to 15 inches, with some up to 4 pounds.
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Flow on the Pit River is determined by release of water from the plants. So, if you choose to fish here, note that flows can drastically increase in a short period of time. Be cautious while wading or shore fishing.
Pit River Fishing Tip
The key to fishing is to be there when the water is down, and to stay out of the slow water. Best fly waters are from Pit #3 to Pit #5, since the river is more open here. Adams and Cahills are good, as are Jug Bugs and Leeches. Bait anglers (using nightcrawlers, crickets and eggs) do well between Pit #1 and Pit #3. Lure tossers score all along the hydroelectric chain. This is a unique fishery and requires good knowledge.