Where to Fish
Many good spots are described in the Pacific Ocean Fishing and the San Francisco Bay Fishing sections. Along the coast it is best to fish wherever you can find a small stream flowing in. Harbors, jetties, pilings, docks, wharfs and piers are all good. Spots on Monterey, San Francisco, Tomales and Humboldt Bays offer good “calmer-water” perch fishing. Here are some perch spots on San Francisco for boat and shore anglers:
Related Articles:
Perch Fishing Tips
San Pablo Bay Fishing
Top Water Lures
Log Fishing in the South Western Pacific
Other Fishing Articles
From a Boat
- Sausalito, western shoreline
- Richmond, San Rafael bridges, western side
- Berkeley and Emeryville waterfront
- Fort Baker area, around piers and breakwaters
- Treasure Island Shoreline
- Belvedere boat slips
- Berkeley Pier, old pilings
- San Francisco waterfront, Fisherman’s Wharf to Hunters Point
- Hunters Point to Candlestick Point
- Oyster Point and Oyster Cove Marina
- San Francisco Airport Pilings
- Coyote Point Harbor
From Shore
- Ft. Point Mason Pier
- Pier #7 (foot of Broadway)
- Warm Water Cove (foot of 24th St.)
- San Mateo Pier
- Fruitvale Bridge
- Berkeley Bridge
- Muni Pier (Aquatic Park)
- Alameda Estuary (piers and park)
- Emeryville Marina (rock wall)
- Red Rock Marina
- Point Pinole
- Richmond (breakwater and piers)
- East Fort Baker (u-shaped pier)
- Sausalito (seawall)
When to Fish for Saltwater Perch
Wintertime is probably the best bay and harbor saltwater perch fishing periods, with January and February being the peak months. But perch can be taken year round.
Cleaning and Cooking
Saltwater perch are cleaned just like crappie or bluegill. See these sections for details. With saltwater perch it is best to ice down your catch at once. Cook them quickly, since the delicate meat dries out if cooked too long. They are excellent when breaded and pan fried.