Wet Fly Fishing
Approach the water quietly and look for signs of trout feeding just beneath or below the water surface. Cast your fly-line to reach the position where you can see trout are feeding just beneath or below the water surface.
Retrieve the line slowly, with occasional jerks to give your wet-fly lifelike movement. Allow the wet-fly to settle for a few moments in each new position before continuing line retrieval. Continue casting and retrieving your fly-line until satisfied the trout have ceased feeding or moved to another spot.
Related Articles:
How to Choose Your Flies For Wet-Fly Fishing
Downstream Wet-Fly Fishing
A Wet Fly Quick Introduction
Tackle, lines, knots and accessory suggestions for maximum fly-fishing success
Cliff Fishing
When there are no visible signs of trout feeding just beneath or below the water surface, choose a location likely to hold or attract feeding trout (see Rainbow Trout Diet) and cast your fly-line to that location.
For maximum chances of success, allow time for your wet-fly to reach a slightly different depth with each cast before retrieving your line, and vary the speed of line retrieval.
Continue casting and retrieving your fly-line until you have thoroughly explored the water with your wet-fly before moving elsewhere.
A trout may follow your artificial wet-fly until the moment you begin lifting it from the water, before moving to snatch the escaping artificial wet-fly. (see How to Hold a Trout)